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Les pêcheurs de perles (The Pearl Fishers) FR - 1863 2*
Georges Bizet 1838 - 1875 FR 3*
Libretto by E. Cormon and M. Carré
First performance at Paris, Théâtre Lyrique on 30 September 1863
Synopsis - Arias
French libretto - German translation - English translation - Spanish translation
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Synopsis - Top
The setting is Ceylon. The local fishermen elect Zurga as their leader. Nadir returns to the village, and he and Zurga recall at how their friendship was once threatened when they both fell in love with an unknown priestess. They swear eternal friendship. The priestess Leila arrives for a vigil of prayer for the safety of the fishermen, and Nadir recognizes her as the woman he and Zurga had loved. In the night, he goes to her and they acknowledge their love, but they are caught by the high priest Nourabad. For breaking her vow of chastity, she and Nadir are condemned to death. Zurga, feeling jealous and betrayed, discovered that in the past Leila had saved his life, and sets fire to the village to allow the two lovers to escape.
Arias - Top
L'orage, s'est calmé (Zurga, Act 3)
Comme autre fois (Leila)
Je crois entendre encore (Act I romance) 1*
Au fond du temple saint (In the depths of the temple) 3*