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The Making of the Representative for Planet 8 UK - 1988
Philip Glass 1937 - US
Synopsis - Roles
Upcoming Performances
Synopsis - Top
The people of Planet 8 are peaceful and content, until one of the Canopean Agents arrives and tells them to prepare for an impending ice age. The embattled population fights courageously in the face of certain death, and their efforts are transformed when they become the one single 'representative' of the planet's people and culture.
Roles - Top
Doeg Memory-maker and Storyteller
Johor Canopean agent
Klin Tender of Fruits and Plants
Marl Keeper of the Herds
Bratch Guardian of Health
Pedug Teacher of the Young
Rivalin Custodian of the Lake
Masson the Builder
Alsi a young woman
Nooni a young man